Legacy Kevlar Kilt
Road Sign Kilt
32,884 minimum sales from the store
28,350 subscribers from the workshop
147 supply on the market
41 demand from the market (last 24hrs)
75 cheaper Road Sign Kilts on the market
Part of the Legacy Kevlar collection
Waited 1 week, 2 days to be accepted
This item is no longer available from the store, grab it from the market instead.

Industrial Bloodgate II
Garage Door
16,060 minimum sales from the store
15,481 subscribers from the workshop
50 supply on the market
8 demand from the market (last 24hrs)
4 cheaper Garage Doors on the market
Waited 1 week, 4 days to be accepted
This item is no longer available from the store, grab it from the market instead.

Desert Beast Facemask
Metal Facemask
13,924 minimum sales from the store
13,307 subscribers from the workshop
29 supply on the market
12 demand from the market (last 24hrs)
64 cheaper Metal Facemasks on the market
Part of the Desert Beast collection
Waited 1 week, 4 days to be accepted
This item is no longer available from the store, grab it from the market instead.

Berserker Thompson
13,511 minimum sales from the store
13,079 subscribers from the workshop
44 supply on the market
4 demand from the market (last 24hrs)
31 cheaper Thompsons on the market
Part of the Berserker collection
Waited 3 months, 2 weeks to be accepted
This item is no longer available from the store, grab it from the market instead.

Desert Beast Chestplate
Metal Chest Plate
13,389 minimum sales from the store
12,757 subscribers from the workshop
30 supply on the market
10 demand from the market (last 24hrs)
65 cheaper Metal Chest Plates on the market
Part of the Desert Beast collection
Waited 1 week, 4 days to be accepted
This item is no longer available from the store, grab it from the market instead.

Bombshell Sheet Metal Door
Sheet Metal Door
12,948 minimum sales from the store
12,271 subscribers from the workshop
25 supply on the market
7 demand from the market (last 24hrs)
228 cheaper Sheet Metal Doors on the market
Part of the Bombshell collection
Waited 14 hours, 22 minutes to be accepted
This item is no longer available from the store, grab it from the market instead.

Damascus Furnace
12,366 minimum sales from the store
12,059 subscribers from the workshop
25 supply on the market
7 demand from the market (last 24hrs)
106 cheaper Furnaces on the market
Part of the Damascus collection
Waited 1 week, 2 days to be accepted
This item is no longer available from the store, grab it from the market instead.

Legacy Wooden Door
Wooden Door
9,299 minimum sales from the store
8,924 subscribers from the workshop
31 supply on the market
3 demand from the market (last 24hrs)
34 cheaper Wooden Doors on the market
Waited 3 days, 18 hours to be accepted
This item is no longer available from the store, grab it from the market instead.

High Voltage LR
6,305 minimum sales from the store
6,087 subscribers from the workshop
27 supply on the market
1 demand from the market (last 24hrs)
27 cheaper LR300s on the market
Waited 1 week, 2 days to be accepted
This item is no longer available from the store, grab it from the market instead.

Large Fireworks Pack
This item is not from the Rust workshop, detailed statistics are not available.
199 supply on the market
16 demand from the market (last 24hrs)
35 cheaper Miscellaneous on the market
Part of the Fireworks collection
This item is no longer available from the store, grab it from the market instead.

Legacy Bow
Hunting Bow
This item is not from the Rust workshop, detailed statistics are not available.
204 supply on the market
42 demand from the market (last 24hrs)
67 cheaper Hunting Bows on the market
This item is no longer available from the store, grab it from the market instead.

Small Fireworks Pack
This item is not from the Rust workshop, detailed statistics are not available.
138 supply on the market
13 demand from the market (last 24hrs)
25 cheaper Miscellaneous on the market
Part of the Fireworks collection
This item is no longer available from the store, grab it from the market instead.

Steam Community Market Manager
SCMM is a fanmade project and not affiliated with Valve Corporation or Facepunch Studios.
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