Neon Vibes Sheet Metal Door
Sheet Metal Door
16,149 minimum sales from the store
15,730 subscribers from the workshop
55 supply on the market
12 demand from the market (last 24hrs)
193 cheaper Sheet Metal Doors on the market
Part of the Neon Vibes collection
Waited 1 week, 2 days to be accepted
This item is no longer available from the store, grab it from the market instead.

Damascus Facemask
Metal Facemask
13,792 minimum sales from the store
13,493 subscribers from the workshop
34 supply on the market
4 demand from the market (last 24hrs)
113 cheaper Metal Facemasks on the market
Part of the Damascus collection
Waited 1 week, 2 days to be accepted
This item is no longer available from the store, grab it from the market instead.

Abyss AR
Assault Rifle
13,551 minimum sales from the store
13,151 subscribers from the workshop
50 supply on the market
10 demand from the market (last 24hrs)
207 cheaper Assault Rifles on the market
Part of the Abyss collection
Waited 3 days, 1 hour to be accepted
This item is no longer available from the store, grab it from the market instead.

Desert Beast Burlap Shirt
Burlap Shirt
13,334 minimum sales from the store
12,730 subscribers from the workshop
35 supply on the market
7 demand from the market (last 24hrs)
6 cheaper Burlap Shirts on the market
Part of the Desert Beast collection
Waited 1 week, 4 days to be accepted
This item is no longer available from the store, grab it from the market instead.

Desert Beast Burlap Pants
Burlap Trousers
13,112 minimum sales from the store
12,636 subscribers from the workshop
32 supply on the market
8 demand from the market (last 24hrs)
5 cheaper Burlap Trousers on the market
Part of the Desert Beast collection
Waited 1 week, 4 days to be accepted
This item is no longer available from the store, grab it from the market instead.

Damascus Chestplate
Metal Chest Plate
12,698 minimum sales from the store
12,353 subscribers from the workshop
62 supply on the market
4 demand from the market (last 24hrs)
86 cheaper Metal Chest Plates on the market
Part of the Damascus collection
Waited 1 week, 2 days to be accepted
This item is no longer available from the store, grab it from the market instead.

Hay Sleeping Bag
Sleeping Bag
9,694 minimum sales from the store
9,406 subscribers from the workshop
47 supply on the market
11 demand from the market (last 24hrs)
22 cheaper Sleeping Bags on the market
Part of the Hay collection
Waited 2 days, 21 hours to be accepted
This item is no longer available from the store, grab it from the market instead.

Thanksgiving Turkey Furnace
6,686 minimum sales from the store
6,332 subscribers from the workshop
30 supply on the market
1 demand from the market (last 24hrs)
12 cheaper Furnaces on the market
Part of the Thanksgiving Turkey collection
Waited 2 days, 17 hours to be accepted
This item is no longer available from the store, grab it from the market instead.

Soul Eater SAR
Semi-Automatic Rifle
6,102 minimum sales from the store
5,897 subscribers from the workshop
40 supply on the market
4 demand from the market (last 24hrs)
33 cheaper Semi-Automatic Rifles on the market
Part of the Soul Eater collection
Waited 3 days, 4 hours to be accepted
This item is no longer available from the store, grab it from the market instead.

Steam Community Market Manager
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