Rust Market
Rust Items

items are currently listed on the market

is the current total value of all listed market items
Rust Index Fund

If there was an index fund that tracked the performance of all market items, how is it performing?

Based on Dr. Blake Porter's "Video Game Skin Analysis" (2019).
For every day there are items trading on the Steam Community Market we get the total number of sales and median sale price of all traded items for that day.
The index fund value is calculated as 'sales[day].groupBy(item).avg(item.median_sales_price)'. The cumulative value is calculated as 'sales[day].sum(median_sales_price * sales_volume)'.
Hot Right Now
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Which items recently reached their all-time highest value?
Which items recently reached their all-time lowest value?
Most Expensive
Which are the most expensive items on the market?
Steam Community Market Manager
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