Druid Burlap Pants
Burlap Trousers
This is a skin for the Burlap Trousers item. You will be able to apply this skin at a repair bench or when you craft the item in game.
This item is a commodity, where all the individual items are effectively identical.
Released on 05/25/2024
0 cheaper Burlap Trousers on the market (21 total)
Part of the Twitch Drops Round 29 - Rust Kingdoms collection
221,275 minimum supply
107 votes (74% approval rating)
35 favourited
4,101 workshop views
Waited 1 year, 2 months to be accepted
221,275 minimum supply
We've detected at least 221,275 copies of this item in circulation, through inventories known and tracked by SCMM. Our database is not comprehensive and there are always more copies that we don't know about.

Twitch Drops Round 29 - Rust Kingdoms Collection
There are 15 items in this collection.

Steam Community Market Manager
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